
Friday, March 8, 2019

Some progress on Luminaro

My stitchy bug has been missing a lot lately. Things have been building into a perfect storm over here.
First, I got a not-quite-demotion at work. I was moved to a completely different team, which I am not happy about. Then, on the crafty business side, I just found out in a backhand mention online that the convention I was hoping to have a booth in this year is completely full. I was never officially notified, they just left me hanging for weeks. Seems a little unprofessional to me. Then, on the family side of life, my niece has just turned 18, so she has decided to move in with her boyfriend and transfer schools to where he is.  This is about 2 months before she graduates, which is stressing out the family, as well, hoping that she doesn't just drop out so close.

With all the stress coming from all sides, I have been in a major funk lately, and I haven't wanted to do much of anything. Things could be worse, I know. Just having everything hit all at once is not so great.

I realize that I haven't posted recently on Luminaro.
Here is where Luminaro was with my last update (this was just after my page finish):

Here is where I am now:

I have decided to pick up another project to work on for a while. My momentum and enthusiasm on this one has waned a bit.


  1. Beautiful progress. I swear most the time life throws us a whole bunch at the same time. Breath. You will be okay. Somehow it will work out.

  2. With all of the confetti you still made excellent progress!

  3. This year is already turning out really troublesome for some of us :( I hope things will look up soon for you! Personally, I think you made some great progress.
