
Friday, March 29, 2019

d20 chainmail pendant

I have seen something similar to these online, and I definitely wanted to learn how to make them.
My first attempt didn't go so well. My rings were too small, so the dice didn't fit inside. I got some bigger ones now, and it came out really well!

Since I'm using a different connector with these, I may be able to get away with the smaller rings, so I'm going to try that one more time, as the smaller size is my main size, so I have a lot of it available.

Here is what my first try looks like.

I have some lanyard-type clasps to hook onto the top to make the dice removable. I can't find where I put them, though, so I just have the lobster clasp for now (and it doesn't even fully close). 

I also have made a bracelet using my hot pink special rings. The color in the picture doesn't quite give it justice.