
Monday, March 18, 2019

Saturday project: Mario - Day 6.2

Another Saturday down, and another Saturday worked on Mario. This has been stitching up so quick! I suspect I have only 2, maybe 3, more Saturdays for this to be completed! This project has been so much fun to work on, that I'll be sad to see it go.

This weekend I was able to finish all the brown in the ground blocks, completing them.

Here is where I was last week:

Here is where I am now:

I realized that I seem to have developed a pattern to my blog posts. I have been posting on Monday and Friday every week. This is because of my Mario posts every week, but I realize that I really like it. I'm going to just keep with that, twice a week, instead of every 4 days.

PS: I cheated a little bit with Mario. I  didn't charge up my tablet, so early Sunday evening, it died. I have been working on Luminaro lately, so this brought me to a halt. I picked the closest project that I had a paper pattern for, and since I had just worked on Mario the day before, it was right there. Hence day 6.2.
I got several rows of blue sky done.
Here is where I left off.


  1. Great progress! I'm guessing you mostly have only blue to go now?

  2. Fantastic progress! This one is fun to watch grow. So I won't be too mad at you for sneaking more progress on it haha.
