
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I missed everyone!

I have been so behind on my stitching. While I was studying for my test, to keep myself motivated and away from the stitching, I stopped reading everyone's blogs, and I avoided most stitching things, in general. It is so easy for me to get sucked back in!
I have been trying to catch up, but that's why I haven't been commenting lately.
I realized that I missed keeping up with everyone. You guys are so awesome, and I wanted to let you all know it!
Even now, as I sit at work, my fingers are itching to pick up my kit and stitch on it some more. Just one more thread...


  1. You're awesome too! Glad life is slowing down a bit. :)

  2. Lol I'm there with you! I'm more than 400 posts behind but I WILL catch up!
