
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Cenvention Inventory cycle - crafting frenzy!

I'm stuck in this weird cycle right now. This month I have 3 conventions planned, 2 of which are larger than any others that I have ever done before. Every time I think about it, I start to panic because I feel like I don't have enough inventory. This leads me to start making new things, usually about 4 or 5 bracelets at a time. Then, I start to slow down a bit to relax.
Then something will remind me that I have these huge shows coming up, and I  need more inventory, so I start making another batch of bracelets or other items, and I end up in this cycle over and over. This has happened several times. There is a positive in this, because I have learned several new weaves that I didn't know before, so I am growing, as well.

Here are a few of the new things I have made that I haven't posted about, yet.

This is definitely not everything I have made the past few months, but I wanted to include a little bit of as much as I could.
My current item that I am in love with and making more of are the bookmarks. I LOVE how they came out, and have a few more planned. I also have more blanks ordered so I can make a bunch more.

I already have 10 conventions/events planned for this year, and there are at least 2 or 3 more that don't have a date scheduled just yet, but I am planning on going. I am having such a great time with these conventions, than I don't even miss the craft fairs at all! I am doing more conventions then I ever did fairs in a year, plus I have more fun AND I make more money (maybe the two are connected?)

This weekend is a one-day con pretty close to home, and I can't wait to get back to it. This is my first con of the year, after having taken a few months off. So excited to pick back up!


  1. Great inventory, I especially love the silver-and-brown bracelet and the bookmarks.
    So, I'm guessing you're con schedule is quite a bit affected by the current events as well? Fingers crossed that things will soon clear up!
